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7 Reasons to Consider Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty is a cosmetic procedure that removes excess tissue in the vagina. It can address problems with the outer and inner lips in order to give you more comfort and make this area of your body more attractive. If you are thinking about placing yourself in the talented hands of our plastic surgeon at The John Bull Center for Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Medispa, consider 7 reasons why labiaplasty could be a good move for you.

Stop Feeling that Annoying Chafing and Rubbing
When you have excess tissue hanging from your vagina, it can be really frustrating. It will rub all the time to the point that you have chafing. Labiaplasty can take care of that for you.

Don’t Worry About Bulging Tissue Anymore
When you have excess tissue around your vagina, it can make you self-conscious, keeping you from wearing anything that might be tight. You worry that people will see the bulging skin. Once you have had labiaplasty, you can wear anything you want.

Feel Better About the Way Your Body Looks
When you have excess skin hanging from your vagina, it can affect the way you feel about how you look. You may feel like you just want to hide. You can change that with labiaplasty.

Find More Enjoyment in Intimate Moments
Labiaplasty can remove excess skin that has been getting in the way while you are trying to enjoy intimacy with your partner. You’ll have more freedom and could even enjoy the sensations more once your surgery has been performed.

Find it Easier to Keep Clean
Your hygiene regimen will be easier once you have labiaplasty performed. You won’t have to worry about that excess tissue that has always meant more work.

Stop Worrying About Childbirth
When you have excess tissue in your vagina, you may be concerned about labor and delivery. Labiaplasty will clear the way when you are ready to have a baby.

Correct Any Problems After Childbirth
In the same way that labiaplasty can help you before you have a baby, it can also correct any issues that have been the result of giving birth. If your vaginal tissues become stretched and don’t snap back after you have had your baby, labiaplasty can help you.

Ask Our Plastic Surgeon About Labiaplasty Today
If you have concerns about the delicate tissues of your vagina, labiaplasty could help you. Visit our plastic surgeon at The John Bull Center for Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Medispa for your first consultation to discuss your concerns. Our surgeon will evaluate you and lead you through the procedure for labiaplasty. Find out what you need to do to prepare for your surgery, how long your procedure will be, and what takes place during the recovery stage. Labiaplasty offers you many benefits. Most importantly of all, you will feel good in your own skin when you have labiaplasty performed by the skilled hands of our plastic surgeon. If you’re in the Naperville area, contact us today to get started.

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1307 Macom Drive, Naperville, IL 60564