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Achieve Longer, Fuller Lashes with Latisse

Are you tired of paying for eyelash extensions? Whether you naturally have short, thin eyelashes or your eyelashes grew thinner as you aged, there is a medical remedy. Originally used to treat glaucoma, Latisse has proven to be useful in helping eyelashes grow longer and thicker. Although Latisse is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat short, thin eyelashes, it is not a cosmetic, but a medication that requires a prescription from a physician.

Like any hair, there are stages of growth. It is believed that Latisse prolongs the growth phase and increases the number of hairs that sprout.

After eight weeks of use, the lashes look fuller and darker. Most people see enhanced results by 12 weeks and achieve optimum length by 16 weeks. However, results could vary because of everyone’s unique circumstances.

You need to be careful what part of your skin Latisse touches because it may promote hair growth wherever it touches. Make sure your face is clean and makeup-free and your contact lenses are removed if you wear them. You can put them back in about 15 minutes after you apply the medication. It should never be applied to lower lashes. A little of the chemical will naturally spread to the lower lashes when you close your eyes. You can wear mascara over Latisse. When you stop applying Latisse, your eyelashes will gradually return to their original state.

Latisse is applied with a sterile applicator that is supplied and should be discarded after each use. Re-using an applicator could result in an infection in the eye or an allergic reaction. One drop of Latisse is placed on the applicator, and it is carefully drawn across the skin of the upper eyelid margin just at the bottom of the eyelashes starting from the inner part and being drawn to the outer part. You should not touch the dropper tip and should replace the cap and close tightly after each use. It should regularly be applied, at the same time each evening for the best results. Since it stimulates hair growth, it will take at least two months before the full benefits are seen and could take longer.

If dark, thick eyelashes are what you need to look your best, contact The John Bull Center. With our extensive experience helping patients reach their cosmetic goals, we would be happy to help you by prescribing Latisse after a general examination. Contact us today to get started.

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1307 Macom Drive, Naperville, IL 60564