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Laser Skin Resurfacing

If you want to improve your look and regain your once youthful and vibrant appearance, without having surgery and a hospital stay, treatment at a Laser MediSpa may be the rejuvenating option you’ve been searching for.

At The John Bull Center for Cosmetic Surgery & Laser MediSpa in Naperville, Illinois, Dr. Bull’s MediSpa offers the latest in safe and effective facial treatments in the Chicago area.

To learn more or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bull, contact The John Bull Center today.

As one of the top laser skin resurfacing practitioners in the Chicago area, Dr. Bull uses sophisticated laser technologies to rejuvenate facial skin in a gentle and effective manner. His personal attention to patients and advanced skills allow Dr. Bull to consistently deliver highly rewarding results for all of his laser skin resurfacing patients.

What Is Laser Skin Resurfacing?
A surgical laser is light capable of removing unwanted tissue. These highly advanced lasers vaporize skin cells by emitting bursts of radiation that are absorbed by the water in these cells.

This allows Dr. Bull to treat skin imperfections rapidly and accurately, one layer at a time and without bleeding. Meanwhile, your underlying skin tissue is preserved. This treatment leaves our patients with younger looking skin, allowing them to look as good on the outside as they feel on the inside.

Dr. Bull is a highly accomplished plastic surgeon who has dedicated his career to helping patients achieve their aesthetic dreams.

At The John Bull Center, we understand that considering whether to undergo cosmetic treatment is a complex decision. Doctor Bull and his team work hard to provide patients with a soothing environment where they can feel completely comfortable and cared for.

That’s what makes the John Bull Center Laser MediSpa different from other practices.

With Dr. Bull, patients will spend time with him one-on-one to discuss their procedures, what to expect and what it takes to achieve the best outcome. There are no rushed consultations at The John Bull Center.

Doctor Bull carefully listens to each patient describe her or his desires, needs and concerns. This information helps him develop highly individualized treatment plans geared toward helping patients look and feel their best.

Am I a Candidate For Laser Resurfacing?
The best candidates for laser skin resurfacing are people with tiny wrinkles, acne scars and other minor skin imperfections. Laser resurfacing also can improve sun-damaged and acne- scarred skin, which can be physically and emotionally painful for many patients.

Our laser produces mild, permanent change in skin texture and tone and can be used to treat the entire face.

The Procedure
Doctor Bull will direct the laser beam toward your skin. The laser quickly and accurately vaporizes layers of skin. This leaves healthy cells intact to regenerate the layers removed with healthier cells. This also stimulates the skin’s collagen to remodel and heal – without wrinkles and irregularities.

The procedure is done under anesthesia. When it’s completed, your face will be covered with a dressing that most patients will need to wear for three to five days.

After Treatment

After your laser skin treatment, Dr. Bull will cover your face with ointment before putting on your dressing. Once the dressing is removed, you will need to apply ointment to your face for up to 10 days, depending on the level of skin treated. After your initial healing occurs, you may see redness that will fade in a few weeks to a light pink color. Cosmetics can be used to camouflage these skin changes.

Discoloration can appear for three to six weeks after the procedure. But with the use of skin creams, this discoloration should disappear in one to three months in most patients, although results can vary.

Your skin also may be tender, so Dr. Bull can prescribe medications to keep you comfortable. Other medications are available to help prevent infection and speed healing.

If you are searching for a way to fight the aging process that affects all of us and rejuvenate your appearance to look years younger, contact The John Bull Center today to learn how are Laser MediSpa can help you reach your aesthetic goals.

Schedule A Consultation

We’re looking forward to hearing from you! Call us, send an online message, or stop by our offices to talk to a member of our team and arrange a consultation.

1307 Macom Drive, Naperville, IL 60564