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Look Years Younger with an Eyelid Lift

For some individuals, it is very easy to pinpoint what it is about their appearance that they do not like or what it is that is making them look older. Some individuals have dynamic wrinkles that cause them to have crow’s feet and smile lines. Other individuals have lost a lot of facial volume, causing them to have a haggard appearance. Other individuals have droopy eyelids, which make them look years older than they are.

Fortunately, there are a variety of cosmetic procedures available to help individuals improve their appearance and make them look younger. For individuals who are dealing with droopy eyelids, an eyelid lift may be just what they need to have a more refreshed, younger appearance.

Cosmetic surgeons can effectively use an eyelid lift to improve the way an individual looks. This procedure can reduce bagginess that a person may see under their eyes. This is caused by excess skin from the upper and lower eyelids. It is important for individuals to understand that at eyelid lift removes excess fat and skin. However, it will not get rid of dark circles that may appear under a person’s eyes.

It will also not treat facial wrinkles or crow’s feet. Some individuals choose to have other cosmetic procedures done after an eyelid lift in order to address forehead wrinkles or the loss of facial volume.

Individuals can enjoy the results of an eyelid lift for many years after the procedure. However, at a future time, it may be necessary to do the surgery again. The reason why this is sometimes necessary is that the aging process does not stop. So an upper eyelid surgery may need to be performed about five years after the original surgery. However, individuals very rarely need to have a lower eyelid surgery done again.

When you come in for a consultation, our cosmetic professionals will look closely at your eyes, skin and facial structure. They may determine that an eyelid surgery is right for you. As they do their examination, they may see other problems that are causing your eyelids to droop. For example, some individuals who have saggy eyelids sometimes need to have a forehead lift instead of an eyelid lift. The best way for you to turn determine which procedure is right for you is to come in for a consultation.

Many individuals who have had an eyelid surgery agree that the benefits far outweigh the risks. An eyelid surgery can help a person to look younger. In some cases, it may even help to improve their vision.

Eyelid surgery has helped many individuals to regain their self-confidence and feel like they can do almost anything. An improved physical appearance usually equals higher self-esteem. To determine if an eyelid lift can benefit you, visit The John Bull Center for Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Medispa in Naperville. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.

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1307 Macom Drive, Naperville, IL 60564