(630) 339-4555 Appointment


Radiesse for Hand Augmentation

Your hands don’t lie. They will clearly give away your true age, even if you have a very youthful face and neck. You have very likely seen individuals who have a young face and neck, but as soon as they move their hand up to touch their face, you wonder who that hand belongs to. Thankfully, there are a variety of different hand rejuvenation products on the market that can help an individual to have youthful-looking hands.

One option is Radiesse® for hand augmentation. This product has been approved by the FDA to help you regain lost volume in your hands. When it is given to augment your hands, you will have smooth skin and natural-looking results. As soon as the procedure has been complete, you will be able to see the results. You can expect to have your hands looking more youthful and beautiful for up to an entire year after treatment.

When you come in for a consultation, we will closely examine your hands and your health history. We want to be sure that Radiesse® is the right product for you. If it is decided that this product is right for you, our specialist will skillfully inject this dermal filler into your hands to correct volume loss. This will give your hands a much smoother appearance. Since your hands will have more volume, it will not be as easy to see your veins, which is one of the telltale signs that a person is getting older.

During our consultation, we will tell you about all of the details that come from using Radiesse® to augment your hands. Most individuals are able to return to their normal activities after they have had treatment.

Radiesse® is a great option for individuals who would like to have their hands match the rest of their youthful appearance. The best way for you to find out if this product is right for you is to schedule a consultation at The John Bull Center for Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Medispa in Naperville. We will thoroughly examine your hands and skin to make sure that Radiesse® is the appropriate cosmetic treatment for rejuvenating your hands. We may also recommend other cosmetic treatments to make your hands look their best. Contact our office today to book your appointment to learn more about our hand augmentation options.

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1307 Macom Drive, Naperville, IL 60564