(630) 339-4555 Appointment


Restore Lost Facial Volume Non-Surgically with Juvederm

Juvederm® is a non-surgical and effective way to turn back the proverbial hands of time. As people age, the facial skin can take on a loose and sagging appearance. While injectables can temporarily immobilize the muscles that are responsible for mild to moderate facial wrinkling, these treatments cannot effectively address deep facial creasing. Juvederm® is a hyaluronic acid-based gel that can be quickly and easily inserted into sagging areas to restore lost facial volume and create a full and youthful-looking visage.

Why Choose Juvederm®?

This treatment is currently the only dermal filler gel that is FDA-approved for restoring lost volume to the cheeks. The basic ingredient in Juvederm®, hyaluronic acid, is a naturally occurring substance within the body. This means that the body will gradually recognize and absorb this acid over time. This is not the case with invasive cosmetic treatments that involve extensive cutting and actual tissue removal. Best of all, a Juvederm® treatment is fast and simple enough to be safely completed on a person’s lunch break.

What You Can Expect During Treatment

Prior to a Juvederm® treatment, you will meet with our specialist to discuss your cosmetic concerns and goals. Upon assessing the location and severity of your facial wrinkling, our professional can determine where and how much Juvederm® should be applied.

The procedure is brief and discomfort is minimal; however, the solution is enhanced by the addition of lidocaine cream for limiting patient discomfort throughout the treatment process and after. The injections will be made in all of the targeted areas over the course of only minutes. This is followed by a light facial massage to ensure even distribution of the Juvederm® gel and smooth and natural-looking results.

How to Care for Your Skin After Treatment

Depending upon the amount of Juvederm® that’s been used, our specialist may recommend laying down for one to two hours in order to let the gel set and to prevent it from migrating out of the treatment area. Most people will see a remarkable decrease in facial lines after just one day. As with most other cosmetic treatments, continued improvements can be expected over time.

Learn More Today

Located in Naperville, The John Bull Center for Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Medispa offers Juvederm® treatments for patients looking to restore lost facial volume. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have during a consultation at our office. Contact us today to schedule your appointment to learn more.

Schedule A Consultation

We’re looking forward to hearing from you! Call us, send an online message, or stop by our offices to talk to a member of our team and arrange a consultation.

1307 Macom Drive, Naperville, IL 60564