(630) 339-4555 Appointment


Tighten Loose Abdominal Skin with a Tummy Tuck

You’ve done everything you can to take care of your body. You work out every day and vary your exercises to get the best results. You watch what you eat and keep your calories under control. You get your beauty sleep and drink your water. All of your hard work has helped you to reach a weight that is ideal for you, but you still have a problem. You have loose abdominal skin hanging around your midsection. It won’t go away matter how many crunches you do or how many salads you eat. If you have lost a considerable amount of weight or have had children, this can especially be a problem. You are not alone when it comes to the battle to sculpt your body and tighten your tummy. When you can’t manage to get positive results on your own, our board-certified plastic surgeon can help you make it to the finish line. A tummy tuck can help you get your body exactly where you want it to be.

What Happens with a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that can help you correct the problems with your midsection. If you have loose skin and you can’t tighten your muscles as much as you would like on your own, Dr. John Bull can help you achieve your goals. During the tummy tuck, our surgeon will remove any excess skin and deposits of fat that are causing you concern. Should you request it, Dr. Bull can also use this opportunity to tighten your abdominal muscles. This can help give your stomach a more desirable shape. The procedure leaves you with a toned, flat stomach. Once you have fully recovered, you will be able to truly enjoy the benefits of your tummy tuck.

Is This Procedure the Answer for You?

Ideal candidates for a tummy tuck are in good health and maintain consistent diet and exercise. Tummy tucks also provide the best results for those who are at or within close range of their ideal weight but cannot get rid of excess skin and small amounts of abdominal fat. Once your tummy tuck is over, you will need to maintain your weight and stay in shape. This will ensure you receive the best results possible from your tummy tuck.

Learn More About a Tummy Tuck

Dr. Bull is a trusted expert patients turn to when they are thinking about a tummy tuck to resolve the problems with loose abdominal skin. Schedule a consultation with the John Bull Center for Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Medispa to discuss your goals for your body. We will work with you, explain the procedure, and help you decide if a tummy tuck is the best treatment for your loose abdominal skin. To learn more about how a tummy tuck can benefit you, set up a consultation with our practice in Naperville.

Schedule A Consultation

We’re looking forward to hearing from you! Call us, send an online message, or stop by our offices to talk to a member of our team and arrange a consultation.

1307 Macom Drive, Naperville, IL 60564