(630) 339-4555 Appointment


Try Zerona for Non-surgical Liposuction

Zerona is a non-surgical laser treatment designed to remove body fat and improve body contour. Unlike traditional liposuction and other fat reduction treatments, you’ll feel no pain and have no recovery time, making Zerona a convenient and popular choice among those looking to lose fat and inches. A clinically proven technology known as Erchonia Low Level Laser is utilized to remove stubborn areas of fat from various parts of the body. Common treatment areas include arms, neck, chin, love handles, buttocks, thighs, back and hips.

About the Treatment

The laser emulsification of Zerona is able to remove enlarged fat regions, leading to the loss of inches and a smooth appearance of the treated area. The laser works without heat to reduce the volume of fat tissue by liquefying it and allowing it to move through a temporary cell membrane from the inside of the cell to the outside. This liquefied fat is absorbed into the body by the lymphatic system and metabolized. The results can be dramatic due to the amount of fat loss that is achievable, even without prior diet or exercise. However, candidates for the procedure should be in good overall health, have only between 16 and 40 pounds to lose and a desire to lose significant pockets of bodily fat. If you fit this criteria and have realistic expectations of what can be achieved, you are a good candidate for Zerona.

Benefits of Zerona

The biggest benefits of Zerona are that it is non-invasive, meaning there is no need to undergo a surgical procedure. In fact, this type of laser treatment is not painful at all, and there is no required downtime following the procedure. You can expect to see a significant loss in inches. often leading to increased self-esteem and body confidence.

What to Expect

You can typically expect to undergo about six treatments over a two-week period. Usually each treatment can last about 40 minutes. Because of its non-invasive nature, there are no risks or side effects associated with Zerona. Contact Mariposa MedSpa for a pre-treatment consultation. You will be able to share your desired goals, ask questions, and learn more about the procedure.

If you maintain a healthy lifestyle of moderate exercise with a healthy diet and regular hydration, you can expect long-lasting results from your Zerona treatment. If you think this may be a good fat loss option for your needs, get started today.

Schedule A Consultation

We’re looking forward to hearing from you! Call us, send an online message, or stop by our offices to talk to a member of our team and arrange a consultation.

1307 Macom Drive, Naperville, IL 60564