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What Is a Mini Tummy Tuck?

What Is a Mini Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, from a clinic such as The John Bull Center, can help reshape the stomach, and make you feel more confident in your clothes. If you long for a tighter mid-section but do not want a full abdominoplasty, consider a mini tummy tuck. This is an alternative to the full treatment, which removes fat from the lower stomach area to firm and reshape it.

The Difference Between a Full and a Mini Tummy Tuck

During a full abdominoplasty, the surgeon corrects fat, skin, and muscle, removing extra fat running the pubic bone to the navel. To get the flat tummy look, the plastic surgeon tightens the muscles. This may be used in conjunction with liposuction to reshape hip fat, so be prepared for your cosmetic surgeon to recommend it. A partial abdominoplasty removes some fat without tightening the skin after the treatment.

Recovery Times and Preparation

A full abdominoplasty commonly requires a week of bed rest and six weeks of healing. A mini tummy tuck commonly only requires about two weeks of healing. In either case, you will need to schedule help around the house. Have a recliner prepared or a sofa with a pillow to sleep on since you won’t be able to stay flat for a while. Stop taking aspirin one week before the mini tummy tuck to avoid clotting issues. The procedure commonly takes no more than three hours. You should be able to return to work in several days, but avoid heavy activity for six weeks.

Who Can Consider a Mini Tummy Tuck?

Mini tummy tucks focus on firming the lower section of the abdomen and loose skin. Sometimes, muscles and skin get too stretched after some weight loss or a pregnancy causing loose skin. You may be in good shape overall and have developed a protruding lower belly, but not excessive fat.

Contrary to popular belief, tummy tucks aren’t just for women. Men can also have trouble keeping a flatter stomach, especially as they get older. When combined with diet exercise, a tummy tuck can reduce the health risks associated with excess fat. Schedule a consultation today with The John Bull Center for Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Medispa to get more information and advice. We are conveniently located in Naperville, IL.

Schedule A Consultation

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1307 Macom Drive, Naperville, IL 60564